Pet Culture in Japan: Shiba and More

Pet Culture in Japan: Shiba and More

Japan's Pet Culture and Aging Society

Japan is known as a longevity nation, and as such, it is experiencing a transition to an aging society.

Amidst this transition, the interaction with pets is garnering increasing attention year by year.

With the increase in the elderly population and single-person households, pets are sought after as emotional support, leading to a rising trend in pet ownership in Japanese households.


Pet Ownership Rates and Popular Pets in Japan

In Japan, cats and dogs are the most popular pets. According to a survey conducted with 5000 participants, pet ownership stands at 23.8% of the population.

The top three pets owned are dogs (40.2%), cats (35.1%), and fish (ornamental fish) (20.2%).

In urban areas, small dogs and cats are particularly popular, suitable for cramped living environments.

 The cost associated with pet products and services is highest for small dogs, averaging ¥11,087 per month.

There is a noticeable difference in expenses, especially in medical costs, grooming, and clothing compared to other pets.

More people are showering affection on their pets, treating them like their own children.


Popularity and Charm of Shiba Inu Overseas, Inspired by Chuken Hachiko

Shiba Inu, a popular dog breed not only in Japan but also abroad, is loved for its distinctive features.

With its sharp and dignified appearance, intelligence, and loyalty to its owner, Shiba Inu holds a special allure as a "Japanese dog."

This allure is deeply rooted in the heartwarming story of Chuken Hachiko, a loyal Akita dog who continued to wait for his deceased owner at a train station in Tokyo for years.

The loyalty and devotion portrayed by Hachiko have become synonymous with the Shiba Inu breed, capturing the hearts of people worldwide.

Shiba Inu tends to be loyal and independent, making them great companions, although they can also exhibit stubbornness and strong-willed behavior. This combination of characteristics, coupled with the enduring legacy of Chuken Hachiko, contributes to the widespread popularity and charm of Shiba Inu both in Japan and beyond.


Benefits of Pets to Humans

Pets bring numerous benefits to the physical and mental well-being of humans.

Interaction and communication with pets reduce stress and alleviate loneliness.

Moreover, activities such as walking and playing with pets help combat sedentary lifestyles, promoting healthier habits.

Furthermore, pets provide a source of comfort, enhancing emotional stability and happiness.



We've Newly Launched on Amazon Australia!

Our first product on Amazon Australia is the thermal mat!

As winter approaches in Australia, we've started selling warm mats for pets on Amazon.

Made with high-quality materials combining patented odor-neutralizing materials and non-electric warmth, these mats offer luxurious comfort.

We hope Australian pets can enjoy the goodness of Japanese products💕💕


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