Stay Cool and Healthy: The Benefits of Salted Kelp This Summer

Stay Cool and Healthy: The Benefits of SHIO KOMBU Salted Kelp This Summer

Salted kelp is particularly popular in August, the hottest month of the year.

Why does it sell so well? Why do we crave it?

There are reasons why our bodies seek it out.



Shio Kombu: Rich in Minerals like Potassium and Calcium to Keep Your Body in Check

Everyone knows that summer is the time when we sweat more due to the heat.

Sweat expels both water and minerals from our bodies.

Therefore, when you sweat, you need to replenish both water and minerals.

Salted kelp is rich in minerals such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, and iodine.

Minerals play a role in building bones and teeth and maintaining bodily functions.

Calcium and magnesium strengthen teeth and bones, potassium helps prevent swelling and high blood pressure, and iodine boosts metabolism and promotes growth.


Especially, magnesium is essential as it helps boost the body’s metabolism.

It is said that 100 grams of salted kelp contains 190 mg of magnesium, which is about two-thirds of the daily required intake.

By incorporating a moderate amount of salted kelp into your daily diet, you can obtain most of the magnesium you need for the day.



Shio Kombu: Dietary Fiber ‘Alginic Acid’ Benefits the Gut

Salted kelp is rich in dietary fiber.

There are two types of dietary fiber: insoluble fiber, which doesn’t dissolve in water, and soluble fiber, which does.

Seaweeds like kelp and wakame contain soluble fiber.

The main dietary fibers in kelp are alginic acid and fucoidan, which are the components responsible for kelp’s slimy and sticky texture.

Alginic acid and fucoidan help maintain a healthy stomach and intestines.

They protect the stomach lining and retain moisture in the intestines to soften stools.

The amount of dietary fiber in kelp is said to be about five times that of burdock root and eight times that of sweet potatoes.



Shio Kombu: Rich in Iron, Beneficial for Women

Salted kelp also contains iron. A lack of iron can lead to anemia, as well as cause skin problems and fatigue.

Therefore, iron is a vital nutrient, especially for women. It is recommended to consume about 11 mg of iron per day, but most people don’t get enough.

Depending on the type of kelp, some contain as much as 9.6 mg of iron per 100 grams.

For those who don’t like iron-rich foods like liver, salted kelp can be a familiar and accessible alternative.



A Pinch of Shio Kombu, Salted Kelp, for Your Daily Meals

Kelp is rich in umami components and other nutrients.

Particularly in this hot season, our bodies may naturally crave salted kelp, which is rich in minerals, iron, and gut-friendly dietary fiber.

By adding a pinch of salted kelp to your daily meals, you might find it helps prevent summer fatigue and balance your autonomic nervous system.



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