Japanese Natto: The Quintessential Fermented Food

 Japanese Natto: The Quintessential Fermented Food

Japanese Natto: The Quintessential Fermented Food

When it comes to fermented foods, "natto" often comes to mind. For many Japanese people, the phrase "natto is good for you" is common knowledge.

It's not unusual for people to include natto in their daily diets. Let's delve into the world of natto and explore the power of fermentation behind this unique food.


Natto: Fermented Soybeans, the "Meat of the Field"

Natto is a traditional Japanese food made by fermenting steamed soybeans with Bacillus subtilis natto, a type of bacteria essential for its production.

Because it is made from soybeans, natto retains the nutritional benefits of soy, including isoflavones, saponins, and lecithin.

The fermentation process enhances its nutritional value by introducing additional beneficial compounds that soybeans alone do not provide.


The Difference Between Whole Bean and Crushed Natto

There are two main types of natto: whole bean (ito-hiki natto) and crushed natto.

When you pick up natto at the supermarket, you might notice these varieties.

Whole bean natto, known for its sticky texture, involves soaking washed soybeans overnight, steaming them, and then fermenting with natto bacteria.

Crushed natto, on the other hand, is made by crushing soybeans before fermentation.

This increases the surface area for the bacteria, potentially enhancing the production of enzymes and vitamins during fermentation.

As a result, crushed natto often contains higher levels of nattokinase, which helps thin the blood, and vitamin K, which strengthens bones.


Nutritional Components and 11 Benefits of Natto

Natto is packed with nutrients and offers numerous health and beauty benefits. Let’s explore the key nutrients in natto and the 11 health benefits they provide:

  • Protein for Cell Production Natto is rich in high-quality protein, with 8.3g of protein per 50g pack of whole bean natto. Protein is essential for building muscles, hair, skin, hormones, and enzymes, and also helps maintain mental stability. Consuming protein-rich foods like natto can support healthy skin from within.

  • Nattokinase for Blood Clot Prevention Nattokinase, a unique enzyme produced during fermentation, helps dissolve blood clots. It also promotes blood circulation and may help lower blood pressure.

  • Soy Isoflavones for Menopausal Symptom Relief Natto is high in soy isoflavones, which mimic estrogen. They can alleviate menopausal symptoms and prevent osteoporosis, arteriosclerosis, and cold sensitivity.


  • Lecithin for Cholesterol Management Lecithin, a component of cell membranes, helps lower blood cholesterol and prevents arteriosclerosis.

  • Saponins for Lipid Metabolism Saponins, which give soy its bitter taste, aid in lipid metabolism and promote the secretion of adiponectin, which helps burn fat. They also remove reactive oxygen species, preventing the oxidation of LDL cholesterol.

  • Dietary Fiber for Digestive Health Natto is rich in dietary fiber, with 3.4g per 50g pack, which helps prevent constipation. Natto bacteria also have beneficial effects on gut health by inhibiting harmful bacteria.

  • Tryptophan for Mental Health Tryptophan, an essential amino acid in natto, is a precursor to serotonin, a neurotransmitter that stabilizes mood. It helps relieve stress, and symptoms of PMS and menopause.



  • Iron for Anemia Prevention Natto is a good source of iron, with 1.7mg per 50g pack, which helps prevent anemia, especially important for women who need more iron due to menstruation and pregnancy.

  • Vitamin B2 for Energy Metabolism Natto contains five times more vitamin B2 than soybeans, supporting the synthesis of proteins and the health of skin, hair, and nails.

  • Vitamin K for Bone Health Vitamin K in natto helps with bone formation and the prevention of osteoporosis, particularly important for postmenopausal women.

  • Calcium for Strong Bones and Teeth Natto provides 45mg of calcium per 50g pack, crucial for maintaining bone density. Consistent intake is important since calcium absorption is relatively low.


Enhancing Natto’s Benefits with Additional Ingredients

While natto is delicious with its traditional condiments, adding certain ingredients can boost its health benefits even further.

  • Natto + Green Onion: Green onions add vitamin C and allicin, which have antioxidant properties and enhance blood circulation. Allicin also helps with the absorption of vitamin B1, aiding in carbohydrate metabolism.


  • Natto + Shiso: Shiso leaves provide perilla aldehyde, which has antibacterial and digestive benefits. They also add vitamins A and C, which enhance iron absorption from natto.


  • Natto + Cheese: Cheese adds proteins and vitamins A and B2, improving the absorption of iron. This combination is also beneficial for those who consume alcohol, as vitamin B2 is necessary for metabolizing fats.



Conclusion: Embrace the Power of Fermentation with Natto for a Healthy Lifestyle

Natto is a nutrient-rich food with numerous health benefits.

Incorporating natto into a balanced diet, possibly with additions like green onion, shiso, or cheese, can enhance its nutritional profile and make it easier to consume regularly.

Harness the power of fermentation and enjoy a healthier lifestyle with natto!



Get Our Freeze-dried natto!

Dry Natto Beans, Freeze-Dried Natto 65g (2.29oz)

Freeze-dried natto is perfect for those who dislike the sticky texture and strong smell of regular natto! Even after drying, the nutrients remain intact.

You can purchase it here!



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