Tosa’s Katsuo: A Taste of Japan’s Finest

Tosa’s Katsuo: A Taste of Japan’s Finest


Tosa, in Kochi Prefecture, is renowned across Japan for its exceptional katsuo (bonito). This region, facing the Pacific Ocean, has a long history of katsuo fishing, and its fresh and flavorful katsuo is celebrated nationwide.


The Difference Between Hatsugatsuo and Modorigatsuo


Katsuo is caught in two main seasons: spring and autumn. "Hatsugatsuo," or first katsuo, is caught in the spring and is known for its firm, lean flesh and light, refreshing taste. On the other hand, "Modorigatsuo," caught in the autumn, has a richer flavor and fattier flesh as it gains fat during its journey northward. Both are caught using Tosa’s traditional method of pole-and-line fishing, ensuring unparalleled freshness.


Tosa’s Traditional Pole-and-Line Fishing


In Tosa, the traditional "ippon-zuri" (pole-and-line) fishing method is used. This technique involves catching each fish by hand, one by one, minimizing stress on the fish and preserving its freshness. This meticulous process results in katsuo of exceptional quality, a hallmark of Tosa.


Katsuo no Tataki: Tosa’s Signature Dish


When it comes to Tosa’s katsuo cuisine, "Katsuo no Tataki" immediately comes to mind. Fresh katsuo is seared lightly on the outside, leaving the inside raw, then quickly cooled in ice water. The result is a perfect balance of smoky, charred exterior and tender, sashimi-like interior. It is typically served thinly sliced with salt or ponzu sauce, garnished with garlic, ginger, and other condiments.



Tosa’s katsuo stands out for its flavor and freshness, offering a unique experience in each season with hatsugatsuo and modorigatsuo. Katsuo no tataki is a must-try dish, embodying the essence of Tosa’s culinary tradition. When you next visit Japan, be sure to savor the exquisite katsuo of Tosa in Kochi Prefecture.



Additive-Free Dashi Powder from Tosa, Kochi


This rich umami dashi powder, made from Tosa’s katsuo, is a carefully crafted product by a traditional katsuobushi manufacturer. The female president of the company, who is also a mother raising young children, created this completely additive-free dashi powder to ensure it is safe even for babies. Its powdered form makes it easy to use as a seasoning in your cooking.


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