Setsubun ( 節分 )

Setsubun (節分, Bean-Throwing Festival or Bean-Throwing Ceremony) is the day before the beginning of Spring in Japan.
The name literally means "seasonal division", but usually the term refers to the Spring Setsubun.

It is customary in Kansai area to eat uncut makizushi called eho-maki (恵方巻, lit "lucky direction roll") in silence on Setsubun while facing the year's lucky compass direction, determined by the zodiac symbol of that year.

This custom started in Osaka, but in recent years eho-maki can be purchased at stores in the Kanto area and it is getting more recognized as a part of Setsubun tradition. Charts are published and occasionally packaged with uncut makizushi during February.

The egg of ramen is in heart shape! Made by not intentionally
Is this a lucky sign?!
-From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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